Multiple Resource Graphics

ProModel allows you to define several different graphic icons for the same resource. For example, you may wish to change the color of a resource whenever it becomes unavailable due to an unscheduled downtime. Resource graphics for dynamic resources may be changed during a simulation by using the GRAPHIC statement (see Graphic) in either the node or downtime logic. The GRAPHIC statement for static resources can only be used in downtime logic, however, any second and third graphics are automatically used when static resources are busy or down, respectively. If no second and third graphics are defined, the resource graphic turns green when in use and red when down.

How to assign multiple graphics to a resource:

1. Select Resources from the Build menu.

2. Highlight the desired resource in the Resources edit table.

3. Uncheck the New box in the Resource Graphics window.

4. Click on the next blank resource graphic cell in the Resource Graphics window.

5. Select the desired resource icon.

6. Change the color, rotation, or other aspect of the new graphic by clicking on the Edit button.

An example of a single resource with multiple graphics is given on the following page.